ESP32 Coding Kits!

Unlocking the World of Coding with Scratch: A Beginner’s Guide about how to start


In today’s world, coding has become an important skill for young generation. From AI to robotics, coding is the fundemental part of the new technology. By learning coding, students could improve their creativity, and also shapens problem solving skill and logical thinking. Studnet could start learning coding since 10 years old like Arduino IDE and also Python, but for the younger the scratch coding has become the trend to get started.


What is Scratch Coding?

Scractch is a block-based visaul coding language designed to make coding easier for younger beginners. The language is desigend by MIT Media lab. Scratch allows users to create games, actions, animcations by dragging and connecting those code blocks. With sractch, teachers and paretns could start teaching basic coding logics in school or home. It is the best beginner option for younger learners who like to dive into the programming world.


Why Scratch Coding?

Scartch helps students develop STEAM skills such as logical thinking,problem solving and coding skills. As learners build their projects, they will know how code works in the project. Instead of complicatedr coding dashboard, the scartch starts with easy code blocks which students could understand how the code connects and make some specific functions works in the project.Teachers could get more teaching resources and project information in many communities such as ScarchEd, Scratch website. As a teacher or parents, you could spend 20 mintues to read about the project and give it a try before you start teaching.


Getting started with Scractch

It is very easy to start using Scratch. Here are steps for you to start exploring Scrach world.

1.Create an account
Head over to the Scratch website and then create an account to start building your projects and save.

2.Exploring Scratch
After your sign up, you will be redirected to the dashboard of Scratch. Now explore a bit about Scratch and find the first project you like.

3.Play and learn
Now, just follow the guide and tips to start building your first Scratch project.

Basic of Scratch

1.Say hi to Scratch Blocks
Scratch has many blocks in differnt colors such as motion, looks, sounds and events. Each block controls differetn aspect. The fastes way to study these blocks is to use it in the project instead of remmebering its meaning.

2.Sprites and background
You can add, craet your own sprites and background to make your project more customrized. You can also create animation and stories using sprites and background.

3.Basic coding concepts
Using Scratch, you can learn basic coding concepts liek loops(repeating actions),conditionals(making descision), and variables(story information).


What we can create?

1.Create games
Once you master the Scratch basics, you can start using the Scratch to build your games. For example, designing a maze game where you can control your sprite to navigate though obstacles.

2.Create Animation
Be a director and create a story using Scratch to generate animation by changing costumes and interact with one another. Also you can use Scratch motions and look blocks to make the story more interesting.

3.Create yoru extensions
Use Scratch to create a extension like text-to-speech or music tools. You can add more exciting features to your projects and don’t forget to share your extensions with your friends and families.


How to start teaching Scratch?

1.Pick the project.
Pick a project to start. Based on the knowledge and curriculum, choose a project and then test it before teaching. Also organize the teaching slides and lesson plan including how to make the coding easy for students to understand, how to divide into differnt groups, how to get students excited about the study.

2.Be a teammate, not teacher.
Let students to try the project theyselves and provide in time guide when they need. Try to let students to solve the problem and do the teamwork.

3.Let students to pick up next project.
After one project finsihes, let kids to pick up next project they like and make them excited about it.


What kits cloud be used?

1.STEM coding kit
You can select some STEM coding kits with circuits and modules to build up some projects with Scratch. However, you must select those kits which is complied with Scratch including the tutorial otherwise you might need to spend more time preparing the lesson.For example,you can shop the smart home learning kit for students to use Scrach to control the smart home they build. Students could get better understanding how code works with eletronics in the real life.

2.Robotic kits
Robotics kit is one of the trendy options for teaching Scratch. Such as smart car kit or smart spider kit, students could control the robot by doing Scratch coding. But also some of the robotics kits might not have the Scratch coding tutorial, so you need to confirm before you shop.


Scartch is a great starting point if you are looking to teach or learning coding. The user friendly interface, community, and learning enviroment make coding more fun and easy to understand. Without any delay, let’s start coding now and see what we can create.

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