Getting Started
Starter Kit
Controller Board
Electronic Module

When you open the Arduino IDE, select Tools > Board, you will find that the Arduino IDE only has Arduino AVR Boards and no esp8266.


So we need to install the ESP8266 board in the Arduino IDE. Follow these steps:

1.Open File >Preferences


2.Add the development board management address URL.


3.Copy the URL in the lower box and add it to the “Additional Boards Manager URLs”.


4. After adding the URL, click “OK”.


5.Click Tools > Board > Boards Manager.


6.Search for “ESP3266” in the BOARDS MANAGER’s search bar and install it.


7.Please wait until the installation is complete and turn off the Arduino IDE.


8.Re-open the Arduino IDE and select Tools>Board, you will find that the esp8266 board appears.


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