Download CH340 driver
1.Download drivers
Download the driver from the website and unpack it into your local installation directory.
2.Prepare to install the driver
①The instructions for installing the pkg format driver by default can be found in the document titled “Installing the pkg Format Driver.”
②If Rosetta is not supported in OS X 11.0 or later, see “4. Install the dmg driver.”
③Before installation, go to “System Preferences” -> “Security and Privacy” -> “General” page. Under the section titled “Allow apps downloaded from,” choose the option for “Mac App Store and identified developers” to ensure proper functionality of the driver.
3.Install the pkg format driver
①Install pkg format driver, click driver file -> Continue -> Install.
②Then install successfully.
③Install the pkg format driver on OS X 11.0 and later: open “LaunchPad” -> “CH34xVCPDriver” -> Install.
④When using OS X 10.9 through OS X 10.15, click Restart to restart your computer, and perform the following steps after restarting.
4.Install the dmg format driver
①Install the dmg driver, click the dmg file and drag “CH34xVCPDriver” into the application folder of the operating system.
②Then open “LaunchPad” -> “CH34xVCPDriver” -> Install.
③Then install successfully.
5.Check whether the CH340 serial port driver is installed
When the control board is inserted into the USB port, open the system report -> Hardware -> USB. On the right is the USB device. If the USB device is working correctly, you can find a device with a “Vendor ID” of [0x1a86].